Thankfully this week will be cooler than last! When I turned on the oven a few nights last week, I think our air conditioner ran for quite some time afterward! We enjoyed the new burrito bowl recipe from last week. I don’t think we will be able to try new recipes this week….
Category: Menu Plans
Weekly Menu Plan, July 17 – July 23
I’m back. No, I did not forget about menu planning, but these past two weeks have just been a whirlwind. We were traveling some the week before, and then last week was Vacation Bible School for the kids in the evening. Many nights we had very simple meals, like sandwiches. It was pretty…
Weekly Menu Plan, June 26 – July 2
It’s summer, and I tend to not want to cook a lot when it is so hot out. I don’t know if it’s just the heat and not wanting to turn on the oven, or just that heavy food doesn’t really appeal when the thermometer reads triple digits. Two weeks ago, I made…
Weekly Menu Plan, June 12 – June 18
This summer sure is heating up quickly here. The temperatures will be the in 90s this whole week! Time for some oven-free meals We did not get to the firecracker shrimp or salad last week, so hopefully we will have time for it this week. I did make the new grilled chicken recipe… but…
Weekly Menu Plan, June 5 – June 11
Summer is fully here. The kids are busy with summer activities and our vineyard is exploding with new growth! The last couple of weeks have brought us lots of rain, but the next few look to be sunny and warm (or hot!). I am happy to get back to grilling, using the slow…
Weekly Menu Plan, May 22 – May 28
It’s going to be a rainy week here… Grilled summer dinners will have to wait another week or so! Very soon, it is going to be so hot that the oven will not be in much use for a few months. Time to break out the slow cooker and the grill! Dinners…
Weekly Menu Plan, May 15 – May 21
I am back after a menu planning hiatus. Let me tell you, it was pretty miserable! Not having a solid plan for what meals to make during the week was no fun. I spent the last few weeks in “survival mode” trying to get through a project for one of my graduate school…
Weekly Menu Plan, Apr 17 – Apr 23
I did not make the honeymoon pizza last week, so I will hopefully get to it this week. We are also in the mood for some “lighter” fare, so I’ve tried to cut back on the heavy foods this week and replace with a few more-nutritious options! Dinners Oven Nachos Chicken Caesar Salad Mahi…
Weekly Menu Plan, Apr 10 – Apr 16
Believe it or not, we actually tried both of the new recipes last week! The minestrone soup was OK, and I probably won’t make it again. The pasta got really mushy, which may have been my fault, but I don’t seem to be having much luck with pasta in soups lately. However, we enjoyed…
Weekly Menu Plan, Apr 3 – Apr 9
So, we didn’t have pizza (at home) again last week, as dinner at church last week was pizza! We did do scallops, though I made a different recipe as we didn’t have the right kind of wine on hand and I didn’t feel like going to the store. I am feeling adventurous, so…