Author: Alicia

Weekly Menu Plan, Oct 19 – Oct 25

My menu plan last week was totally thrown off course last week.  I was sick on Tuesday, so I didn’t make dinner that night or for Wednesday night  (I have a class on Wednesday night and usually make Wednesday night’s dinner on Tuesday night so the family has a meal ready to go). …

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Weekly Menu Plan, Oct 12 – 18

Thank you for the suggestions of what I could make next for the blog.  I have started brainstorming to see if there’s any recipes that I could share with you all sometime soon!  I don’t want many more weeks to go by without sharing more recipes with you, so I will make it…

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Weekly Menu Plan, Oct 5 – Oct 11

I heard a joke.  I hope you appreciate it! What’s green and sings? (answer later)… This week, it’s going to be a little more crazy than usual, so I hope I can keep up with it!  I’m in serious need of some inspiration to write a new recipe post… Do you have any…

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Weekly Menu Plan, Sept 28 – Oct 4

I did not end up having time to make bierocks last week, but I already made them this week.  I had a little leftover dough, so I rolled it up with some butter and cinnamon-sugar and made my son really happy 🙂  My husband asked if I could make baked chicken nuggets.  We…

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Weekly Menu Plan, Sept 21 – Sept 27

Did you notice that I never did get around to posting a menu plan last week?  Life kind of takes over every now and then, and you just do what you can to get by.  We ended up eating a mix of leftovers, things from the freezer, and had a night out to…

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Weekly Menu Plan, Sept 7 – Sept 13

We tried the macaroni dish last week, and it was OK.  It was a little on the dry side, so if I made it again, I would probably increase the amount of sauce.  I didn’t get to the sausage and pepper dish, so maybe another time!  We will have some friends over for…

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Weekly Menu Plan, Aug 31 – Sept 6

We were able to try the white pizza last week, and it was really good!  I also experimented with cooking the pizza on the grill, and it seemed to work.  We have a charcoal grill, so it was a little challenging to get it to cook evenly.  We did not get to the…

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Weekly Menu Plan, Aug 24 – Aug 30

Last week I mentioned that it is back-to-school week.  This week, it’s barbecue week 😉  I am hoping to try a few new recipes this week, so we’ll see how they turn out, and hopefully I will actually get to them! Dinners Tuna, Tomato, Red Onion, & Olive Pitas, chips One-Pot Pasta with…

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Weekly Menu Plan, Aug 17 – Aug 23

It’s back to school week!  My daughter started preschool last week and my son starts kindergarten this week.  I’m just in awe of how much they’ve grown and how fast.  I know everyone always says that “time flies”, but I just don’t think you can really comprehend the reality of that statement until…

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Weekly Menu Plan, Aug 10 – Aug 16

We tried the new tortellini dish last week, and it was worth making again, but I didn’t get to the green beans.  School is just around the corner here, as my daughter starts preschool this week, and my son starts kindergarten next week!  I have such mixed emotions about it, because I know…

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