Author: Alicia

Iced Coffee Concentrate

During the winter time, I love waking up with a hot cup of coffee.  However, during the warm summer months, I like to stay as cool as possible and a hot coffee just doesn’t sound that appealing.  But iced coffee… now you’re talking!

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Oatmeal Scotchies

A few months ago, I introduced you all to White Chocolate & Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies.  I mentioned that the recipe is quite versatile, and you can make it into several different kinds of cookies.  As Oatmeal Scotchies are one of my favorite cookies, I wanted to make sure these cookies got a post…

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Weekly Menu Plan, July 1 – July 7

Are you looking forward to a big Fourth of July celebration this week?  I highly recommend taking a potato salad if you’re a guest! We are back from a wonderful weekend celebrating family!  It’s always good to spend time with those we love.  And, the food was delicious, too!  I think I may…

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Chicken Fried Rice

Whenever we have a lot over leftover white rice, I like to put Chicken Fried Rice on the menu.  This recipe also works with chicken, pork, shrimp, or even without protein and as veggie fried rice.  It’s a filling dish that allows you to use just about whatever you want or have on…

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Weekly Menu Plan, June 24 – June 30

There is about 6 weeks for us left here at the current home of Everyday Home Cook.  We have accepted an offer on our house, and are currently looking for our next home!  I’m so excited to move on to the next chapter of our lives, but at the same time, it’s a…

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Sausage, Peppers, & Onions

When I find bell peppers on sale, this is one of my favorite dishes in which to use them (I also highly recommend Sausage, Pepper, & Onion Pizza, too!)  The ingredients cook in a tomato-based sauce that’s accented with a bottle of your favorite beer!  If you don’t have beer on hand, feel…

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Weekly Menu Plan, June 17 – June 23

I must confess… It’s starting to get relatively warm here.  And every summer I face the feeling of, “It’s too hot to cook!” way more than I care to admit.  So, last week’s enchiladas and pizza?  I didn’t make them 🙁  I couldn’t bring myself to heat up the kitchen when I feel…

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My Kitchen Essentials

There are many tools in my kitchen which I view as essential.  While there may be some other tool that works well in place of those I mentioned, this list contains my personal favorites.  I have a hard time placing any sort of ordinality to these items, so I am just going to…

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Weekly Menu Plan, June 10 – June 16

I am finally done with traveling for work for a little while!  I am excited to get back into a routine of sorts.  I missed out on making the buffalo chicken last week, and instead I am making teriyaki chicken this week.  We will use it to make “hand rolls” which are a…

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“Get Fat” Spinach & Artichoke Dip

You may laugh at the name of this dip, but it’s so fitting.  Well, I guess I shouldn’t say “fitting”, because your clothes won’t if you eat a bunch of this dip… 😉  All joking aside, while this may not be the healthiest dip, it sure is one of the tastiest!  Since you…

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