Author: Alicia

Weekly Menu Plan, Aug 26 – Sept 1

After a surprise weekend trip to the Lake of the Ozarks, we are back at home and (as always!) looking at a busy week ahead.  Since we did two meals while traveling, we missed out on the barbecue at work and stuffed shells.  Never fear, though… the stuffed shells that I have been…

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Weekly Menu Plan, Aug 19 – Aug 25

We are slowly but surely getting settled in our new house.  In the kitchen, however, I am trying to work around the fact that I have about half of the cabinet/pantry space (if that!!) that I used to!  I hope to be able to get a new recipe post up here in the…

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Weekly Menu Plan, Aug 12 – Aug 18

We have finally moved!  Not all of the boxes are unpacked, but we’re getting there.  It’s going to take me some time to get my kitchen situated, as I have less cabinets to work with at our new place.  However, I am excited to get back to cooking and baking for my family!! …

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Weekly Menu Plan, July 29 – Aug 4

One week until the big moving day!  There’s so much to do still, and I’m running out of creativity for meals which don’t use the oven.  So I’m going to break down and use it a few times! Dinners Stuffed Peppers (new recipe to us) Breakfast for dinner (eggs, toast, etc.) Chili Dogs/Chili…

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Watermelon Limeade

One of my son’s favorite things about summer is watermelon.  The only other fruit which competes for his “favorite” summer fruit is cantaloupe, or as he pronounces it, “Kay-wope!” or even “Kan-ka-wope”.  But, back to watermelon… I usually buy a whole watermelon, as they are the best deal.  However, that leaves me with…

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Weekly Menu Plan, July 22 – July 28

This week is going to be a hodge-podge of stuff!  We are getting closer and closer to our move-out date, and we are just trying to consume as much of the food we have on hand as possible.  Plus, I am working on the final exam for the summer class I took, so…

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Healthy Morning Muffins

I love sharing baked goods with my family.  My kids gobble up muffins just about as fast as they come out of the oven (after cooling, of course!).  Since they eat muffins so well, I try to make them as healthy as I can.  This Healthy Morning Muffin recipe contains both fruit (bananas…

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Weekly Menu Plan, July 15 – July 21

Last week’s menu plan went pretty well, but I didn’t make the meals like I thought I would.  The turkey & cheese sandwiches ended up being our lunch when I worked from home one day, and we were invited out to dinner with some friends one night and family another!  So, it ended…

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Seared Scallops with Garlic Beurre Blanc

Seared scallops are even more special when served with this delicious, garlicky wine-butter sauce.  So, when the folks over at Land O Lakes invited several bloggers to create new recipes using their new Butter with Olive Oil and Sea Salt, I knew scallops would be the perfect accompaniment!

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Weekly Menu Plan, July 8 – July 14

Last week was a scorcher… So many days (if not every single one!) were triple-digit highs.  There seems to be a little relief in sight this week, however, as I don’t see any temperatures above 100 degrees forecast for the week ahead.  We are hopeful that we might see a little rain (I…

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