Author: Alicia

Weekly Menu Plan, June 16 – June 22

I didn’t really make it without going to the store last week.  Most of what I bought was fresh fruit & vegetables, and a few things that we just ran out of (like oats!).  I’m hoping there’s a really good sale on beef and chicken soon, because my freezer is running low 🙂…

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Blueberry Oat Bars

I love just about every blueberry recipe that I’ve ever come across.  What I love about this recipe in particular is that these squares are mostly healthy, and aren’t super sweet.  In fact, I think they are great way to start your day for breakfast!  You could even serve these warm with a…

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Weekly Menu Plan, June 9 – June 15

Since we encountered some unexpected expenses last week, I’m going to attempt an “eat from the pantry” week and see if I can avoid going to the grocery store.  I’m always torn on doing things like this though, because it seems that when I finally do go to the grocery store, that I’ve…

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Cheesy Quinoa Bites

When I first made this recipe earlier this year, I have to admit… We weren’t that impressed right off the bat.  However, the next day when we heated up the leftovers, we fell in love!  The flavors had developed overnight, and the bites became delicious.  From then on, I have made them the…

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Weekly Menu Plan, June 2 – June 8

Well, we have returned!  I had planned on sharing a new recipe with you all while I was out, but I was unable to get my laptop to connect to the internet at our hotel.  Frustrating, for sure! What’s worse is that we came home to find that the recent strong storms flooded…

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Weekly Menu Plan, May 26 – June 1

My menu plan this week is not very extravagant…  We are going to be taking a trip back to my husband’s hometown, so we’ll be gone for half of the week and eating on the road.  We’ll be trying to eat all of the fresh produce and anything else that’s open before we…

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Peanut Butter & Chocolate Chip Muffins

Here’s another muffin recipe I think you’ll love…  Peanut Butter & Chocolate Chip Muffins.  The muffins themselves are slightly sweet & mildly peanut buttery, but the addition of chocolate & peanut butter chips take them over the top!  They might not be the healthiest muffins you’ll find, but they are definitely among the…

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Weekly Menu Plan, May 19 – May 25

Is it getting hot where you are?  It’s starting to heat up here!  I’m thinking it’s about time to break out the iced coffee and lots of slow cooker recipes so I don’t heat up the house!  Speaking of, do you have any slow cooker recipes that you recommend?  I don’t have very…

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FiberOne® Mix-Ins

The folks at General Mills decided it would be fun to have some bloggers see what yummy mix-in ideas food bloggers could create with their FiberOne line of cereals.  I am excited to share my three FiberOne mix-ins with you all!  It was fun (and delicious!) to experiment, and I hope you all…

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Weekly Menu Plan, May 12 – May 18

I didn’t do the best job at sticking to my menu plan last week.  The biggest reason why is that I planned on getting chicken on sale at the grocery store, and they were sold out by the time I got there.  So, I didn’t make either of the chicken dishes from last…

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